New Government: don’t forget kinship families

Join the #ValueOurLove campaign and tell the new Government to properly support the grandparents, aunts, uncles and family friends stepping up for the children they love.

Every child needs love. That’s why, when parents can’t look after a child, it’s often best if they can be brought up in kinship care - where a grandparent, uncle, aunt, sibling or family friend steps in.

Kinship care means love and stability. But for too long many politicians have overlooked these kinship carers and undervalued the role they have in keeping 141,000 children in England and Wales out of the care system. In fact, 8 in 10 kinship families aren’t getting the vital financial or practical support from their local authorities to meet their child’s needs.

That’s why we’re calling on the new Government to take immediate and bold action to improve support for kinship families. 

This unfair system is risking thousands of children’s futures. If kinship carers can’t afford to look after them, they could lose their familiar, loving and stable home. 

With a new Government in place, we have a HUGE opportunity to equalise support between kinship families, and foster and adoptive families - but it’ll take all of us speaking out to demand change. 

Will you add your name to help send this vital message to the new Government: it’s time to value kinship carers and the children they love. #ValueOurLove and support kinship carers NOW. 

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