
Newly-elected MP? Sign up to show your support for kinship families in your area.

Every child needs love.
141,000 children across England and Wales being raised by relatives or family friends know the value of love. They have often had a really difficult start in life and experienced significant trauma and loss that lasts a lifetime. Yet unlike children in foster and adoptive families, most of them and those caring for them receive no support, pushing too many kinship families to breaking point. 

Kinship carers cannot wait any longer for more support for the children they are raising – to provide for the essentials that they need and to ensure they are supported to thrive in life.
We need MPs like you to listen to kinship families in your area and understand the significant challenges they are facing.

About the #ValueOurLove campaign

The #ValueOurLove campaign is leading the fight to get every kinship carer the support they need to help their children thrive. 

Kinship’s #ValueOurLove campaign is calling on any future Government to make four urgent changes to equalise the support between kinship families and foster and adoptive families, including:

1.    Equal financial allowances
2.    Equal paid leave from work
3.    Equal therapeutic and educational support for children
4.    Equal access to training and support 

The December 2023 publication of the first-ever National Kinship Care Strategy for England was a significant step forward in recognising the needs of kinship families, but the commitments made fell far short of what is urgently needed. 

If you’re an MP sign up to receive more information about Kinship’s #ValueOurLove campaign and how to meet with kinship carers in your constituency.